who are MVV?
- MVV UK is part of the MVV Energie AG group
- Approx. 6,500 employees
- 4.2 billion € turnover
- MVV's history
1873 - City of Mannheim takes over the gasworks
1923 - First Mannheim power plant operated by MVV
1964 - First CHP power plant fuelled by waste
1999 - Privatisation to MVV Energie AG
2008 - Expansion into the UK - 50.1% owned by the local authority - Mannheim City Council
Modern, well run and regulated Energy from Waste facilities pose no significant risk to public health. They can operate alongside residential areas with appropriate control measures for operational odour, noise and dust; this is clearly demonstrated by our Devonport EfW CHP Facility in Plymouth, which is less than 65m (corner to corner) from the closest housing.

what is energy from waste?
Energy from Waste (or EfW) is the generation of partly renewable energy from non-recyclable waste that would otherwise be transported unnecesary distances around the UK, sent to landfill or exported to other countries as 'Refuse Derived Fuel'.
Like any power plant, the heat from the burning waste is used to boil water and generate steam which turns a turbine to drive a generator. Efficiencies can be increased if some of the steam can also be used for heating, for example to provide a hot water heating system for local businesses.

project overview
UK-based company MVV Environment Ltd is looking to bring its expertise in sustainable waste management and renewable energy generation to Canford Resource Park.
This site is an active waste management site, including a closed landfill, located off Magna Road within the unitary authority of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council. The proposed development is an Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power (EfW CHP) facility that will be Carbon Capture Retrofit Ready (CCRR).